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Text File | 1993-07-08 | 2.5 KB | 100 lines | [TEXT/ToyS] |
- --
- -- Get the user to locate the params.test file in the Examples directory
- --
- set paramFile to choose file with prompt "Select params.good or params.bad" of type "TEXT"
- set refNum to open file paramFile for reading
- --
- -- Compile the pattern strings we're going to look for
- --
- set comment to compile regular expression ".*#.*"
- set param1 to compile regular expression "Default Width:[ ]*([0-9]*)"
- set param2 to compile regular expression "Default Height:[ ]*([0-9]*)"
- set param3 to compile regular expression "Username:[ ]*([A-Za-z0-9]*)"
- set param4 to compile regular expression "Username:[ ]*\"(.*)\""
- --
- -- Populate parameter variables with default values
- --
- set defWidth to 0
- set defHeight to 0
- set defUsername to "unknown"
- --
- -- Read through the file looking for parameters
- --
- set paramMatched to true
- try
- repeat while paramMatched
- --
- -- Read in the next line
- --
- set input to read file refNum
- --
- -- If the line is not a comment line or a blank line then check to see
- -- which parameter is being set
- --
- if not matched of (match regular expression comment to input) and length of input ≠ 0 then
- set paramMatched to false
- --
- -- Default width?
- --
- set result to match regular expression param1 to input
- if (matched of result) then
- set defWidth to match 1 of result
- set paramMatched to true
- end if
- --
- -- Default height?
- --
- set result to match regular expression param2 to input
- if (matched of result) then
- set paramMatched to true
- set defHeight to match 1 of result
- end if
- --
- -- First username form?
- --
- set result to match regular expression param3 to input
- if (matched of result) then
- set paramMatched to true
- set defUsername to match 1 of result
- end if
- --
- -- Second username form?
- --
- set result to match regular expression param4 to input
- if (matched of result) then
- set paramMatched to true
- set defUsername to match 1 of result
- end if
- end if
- end repeat
- --
- -- If we get here it means the repear look existed because of a bad parameter. Otherwise
- -- the error trap woould have cought the end of file.
- --
- display dialog "Bad parameter file line: “" & input & "”" ¬
- buttons {"Cancel"} ¬
- default button "Cancel"
- close file refNum
- on error
- --
- -- Assume EOF
- --
- close file refNum
- end try
- --
- -- Show the parameters as they are now
- --
- if paramMatched then ¬
- display dialog "Def Width: " & defWidth & ", Def. Height: " & defHeight & ", Username: “" & defUsername & "”" ¬
- buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"